Monday, September 12, 2011

Gold of price Predicitions for 2011

It has lot of talk about gold price predictions in the last few weeks. I bet that it $2000 per ounce by the end of the year if not earlier above. With the US Government, just a hair on their debt in default the stage is really heating for a complete financial collapse. The safe bet is sure in this case gold. But what if its where you want to go it is, maybe some land, ammunition and food would be more value (but I'll admit that I find that this solution will be very useful.)

What all the talk about the price of gold. I thought that this a blog about how it should be money online? In addition to buddy, where were you? I thought, that this blog you long forgot that moved you to something new as teach English as a second language in Thailand on. OK, what affects my credibility is ok, I know that it is very thin at the moment. Sorry for the renunciation of all the true "MMO" version out there, but believe me you me, when I was not so lazy man, I would be right there with you (and now I Allbeit some extent less than many of the right side.)

I wanted to throw it out there and say that if you blog about something to do, perhaps it would be a good idea to make a blog about something, the people are interested in. We search constantly all the information constantly drop Google trends and see, what is the theme of the day. In fact go a step further and anticipate the hot topic of the future, if you can do that, then you are really unlimited (Yes, the a reference to the movie but I certainly recommend fantastic flick!)

My style has a little changed since I started writing this blog, brings an English / EFL teachers will really appreciate the language, so many of us take the. Gold is the hot topic today, it has fired more than $200 in the last two days and caused jump up a lot of people on the train, either buy gold or write about it, either you are sure that you make money.

Stay tuned, I hope you blast a few more articles in the coming days. Please write me a comment if you add something to this post. THX…

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