Saturday, September 24, 2011

Why Push-Button autoblogging systems are a pipedream

Why pushbutton autoblogging systems are a pipedream

Like thousands of others, I bought into the hype and was persuaded that I could set up a bunch of WordPress autoblogs and have them automatically populate themselves with unique, keyword contextual posts that would attract both human readers and, at the same time, be palatable to the major search engines in general and Google in particular.
I was further convinced that once I had started to attract a reasonable amount of traffic, I could monetize the blogs by putting up a few Google Adsense and targetted Clickbank ads and then would be in position to make a reasonable amount of money from my efforts.
At first glance, once I had done a fair amount of work and research selecting appropriate Niche markets finding the right low-competition, high traffic keywords, it looked like things were starting to happen. I was getting traffic and even the major search engines were starting to send visitors to my sites. Unfortunately, none of this seemed to be converting to any appreciable amount of money being generated.
A little closer inspection of the content being generated and the traffic being attracted highlighted two gaping flaws in the autoblogging model:
1. 80% – 90% of generated content was pure garbage
2. Much of the traffic was spammers trying to post garbage to get backlinks or to steal visitors to my site.
The truth is that much of the Internet has become like our mailboxes used to be a few years ago, ie. crammed with useless advertisements trying to sell us something we don’t want, don’t need and probably can’t afford. As print media has become outmoded and costly, so the Internet is becoming the favourite place for all and sundry to try to hawk their wares. As the marketplace evolves, there will be an inevitable shake out. As hard as autobloggers try to disguise plagiarized content of dubious quality and value as premium, relevant material, so will the search engines try to come up with new and innovative ways to sort the wheat from the chaff.
No matter how intelligent the software of those trying to harvest niche market content using various bots, they will never be able to replace the judgement of the human eye and mind. As long as you operate a WordPress blog that automatically reposts content sourced according to specific keywords, you will inevitably end up with a lot of material that does your blog no credit and may actually harm it in terms of search engine rankings. No matter how you massage and obfuscate to disguise the original source, garbage in will always result in garbage out.
The only real solution seems to be to use plugins like WP-Simplicity to find material and after you have read it through to ensure it is germane to your targetted subject matter, to rewrite it, adding your own personal touch and also strengthening the keyword content. Now you can be sure that Google and the other engines will consider it unique and relevant. This also brings the added benefit that you can insert relevant ads and offers directly into the post as you go along, something again that the software bots often do poorly.
We are slowly converting our own WordPress autoblogs over to this style of content and will keep you updated as to our own progress, so check back frequently.

1 comment:

  1. Did you know you can create short urls with AdFly and get $$$$$$ from every visit to your shortened links.


